Productivity Prompt: Starting Small

In the Productivity Prompt (PP!) series I give you quick little ways to get stuff done on a daily basis. Nothing complicated, but still super effective. Give some of these prompts a try and let me know if they work for you!

starting small

This week’s tip is for when your to-do list seems endless and just looking at it makes you feel stressed. I’m sure there’s a couple of things on there that you can finish in a few minutes, but still take up a lot of space when written down. Quickly see which ones these are and start with those. By taking out 15 minutes to half an hour to do some of the smaller tasks on your list it will almost instantly look shorter and your to-do list will feel a lot more manageable. So, what are you waiting for? Go do the dishes, respond to that email or call your doctor for that long-overdue appointment. Once that’s out of the way we can really startĀ getting down to business.